Nona Minimally Invasive Surgery Announces New Name, Orlando Minimally Invasive Surgery

As Orlando’s leaders in robotic bariatric surgery, we have changed our name to Orlando Minimally Invasive Surgery. Since we opened our doors in 2019, our commitment to our patients remains our highest priority. With this rebrand, we hope to bring our expertise, skill, and exceptional care techniques to reach the needs of patients throughout [...]

Nona Minimally Invasive Surgery Announces New Name, Orlando Minimally Invasive Surgery2022-01-12T16:59:34+00:00

Coronavirus Resources

As part of our response to COVID-19, we’re taking additional proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of anyone visiting our office so you can feel confident you and your loved ones are protected while at our office. Aside from the additional safety protocols, you’ll experience several differences during your appointment with your [...]

Coronavirus Resources2021-06-22T05:25:43+00:00

Dr. Chetan Patel Selected as One of Orlando’s Doctors of the Year 2021 in Orlando Style Magazine

Join us in congratulating Chetan J. Patel, MD, FACS as one of Orlando Style Magazine's top doctors! "In adding our ‘Orlando’s Doctors of the Year’ section with this issue, we present a group of physicians, all of whom are reputable, Board Certified in their areas of expertise, extremely well recognized within our community and chosen [...]

Dr. Chetan Patel Selected as One of Orlando’s Doctors of the Year 2021 in Orlando Style Magazine2021-02-10T20:26:24+00:00

What is GERD and How Can You Treat It?

What is GERD? What causes GERD? How will I know if I have GERD? Can GERD cause other health problems? How can you treat GERD? Can changing my diet help my GERD? According to WebMD, one in five Americans experience heartburn and acid reflux each week. If these problems become more severe and chronic, [...]

What is GERD and How Can You Treat It?2020-11-25T19:22:21+00:00

Coronavirus Appointment FAQs

As part of our response to COVID-19, we’re taking additional proactive steps to ensure the health and safety of anyone visiting our office so you can feel confident you and your loved ones are protected while at our office. Here are several common questions and answers addressing our increased safety measures. We’ve taken several [...]

Coronavirus Appointment FAQs2020-07-02T16:36:08+00:00

[Nonahood News] Brother Doctors Support One Another in Family and in Business

Chetan J. Patel, MD, FACS, was featured in Nonahood News alongside his brother, Chirag J. Patel, M.D., where they say they both knew they wanted to get into the medical field at a very young age. "I’ve always had the thought of becoming a doctor as a child – not until my third year [...]

[Nonahood News] Brother Doctors Support One Another in Family and in Business2020-10-23T19:36:03+00:00

Dr. Patel Featured in Oviedo Robotics Center Patient Testimonial

Chetan J. Patel, MD, FACS was featured in a patient testimonial from Oviedo Medical Center. Dr. Patel was recognized for his work with the Oviedo Robotics Center within the Oviedo Medical Center complex. The Robotics Center utilizes the da Vinci® Xi Robotic Surgery System, which provides surgeons with an alternative to both traditional open [...]

Dr. Patel Featured in Oviedo Robotics Center Patient Testimonial2024-10-31T15:12:31+00:00

Now Open and Accepting New Patients

Chetan J. Patel, M.D. Nona Minimally Invasive Surgery is now open and accepting new patients at 12601 Narcoossee Road, Suite 209, Orlando, FL 32832. Chetan J. Patel, MD, FACS founder of Nona Minimally Invasive Surgery and native Central Floridian, says the 1,500-square-foot-space is ideal for his gastrointestinal, minimally invasive, and bariatric surgery [...]

Now Open and Accepting New Patients2020-10-23T19:37:01+00:00
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