Each year in the U.S., about one-half of the adult population try to lose weight, and sadly, 97% will fail to reach their weight loss goals. This is a huge problem, because more than one-third of American adults are considered obese. The problem isn’t just how we look, either; instead, weight gain is a significant contributor to serious illnesses like heart disease and diabetes. 

If you are struggling with weight issues, know that you are not alone. The good news is, while diets often do not work, there is one life-altering surgery that may provide the jump start to your weight loss that you’ve been missing.

Chetan J. Patel, M.D., FACS, is a board-certified general surgeon, fellowship-trained in advanced gastrointestinal, minimally invasive, and bariatric surgery. Angie, one of Dr. Patel’s patients, says, “I got the robotic gastric sleeve surgery. So far, it’s really changed my life.”

What is robotic gastric sleeve surgery? Here’s what one patient experienced with this effective surgery to improve her health.

What Is Robotic Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

Robotic gastric sleeve surgery is a type of weight-loss surgery that can transform your body and health. During the procedure, your doctor will use robotics technology to carefully remove about 60 to 80% of the stomach, resizing it from a football shape to more of a small banana size. The result is that you will only eat smaller, more manageable portions over time, reducing your calorie intake and losing weight in the process. 

The procedure has been around for two decades and has improved dramatically over the years. In the past, it was performed as an open surgery in a hospital setting, with all of the risks of infection and increased blood loss that came with those procedures. Today, it can be performed with minimally invasive techniques that use robotic technology for smaller incisions, less pain after the procedure, fewer risks, and a faster recovery for patients. It is considered the gold standard in bariatric weight loss surgeries.

The weight loss from these procedures is highly dramatic. Angie comments on how different she looks and feels after the procedure. She says, “Comparing pictures, side-by-side, I noticed a big difference. I didn’t realize how bad I was. I know this is just the beginning of a very good outcome.”

Why Would You Need This Surgery?

It’s not overly dramatic to say that robotic gastric sleeve surgery can save your life. This type of bariatric surgery works when other efforts to lose weight, such as diet and exercise, do not, but your health is seriously threatened by obesity. The surgery limits your portion size but still allows your body to get the nutrition it needs to stay healthy. 

Before and after Robotic Gastric Sleeve SurgeryObesity can be a grave condition that leads to a host of serious and deadly health issues such as:

  • Diabetes
  • Fatty liver disease
  • Heart disease
  • High blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea
  • Type 2 diabetes

To qualify for this procedure via insurance, you must have a body mass index (BMI) of 35 or higher. You need to meet specific medical guidelines to receive this procedure. You must be motivated to lose weight. Also, your health must be good enough that you can undergo the procedure. 

The National Institute of Health (NIH) recommends the surgery as an effective way to lose weight and regain your health. However, not all patients can qualify for the procedure. The NIH recommends:

  • You must begin your weight loss journey with nonsurgical options like medically-supervised behavior modification, exercise, and nutrition counseling
  • You must be considered highly motivated to receive the procedure
  • A multi-disciplined team will evaluate your willingness to make lifestyle changes to support the surgery
  • You will also experience lifelong medical supervision after the procedure

Typically, patients like Angie have struggled with their weight and health for years before they seek out a surgical option. Angie says, “Sometimes I even get emotional because this is something that I’ve always wanted. Luckily, I was referred to Dr. Patel by another patient.”

What’s It Like to Recover From Robotic Gastric Sleeve Surgery?

After the weight loss surgery, you typically will begin a liquid diet the next day and will eventually progress to soft food, and finally, to a restricted but normal diet. You will have regular checkups with your doctor during this time. 

Like all major surgeries, while very safe, robotic gastric sleeve surgery comes with a risk of complications like infections and excessive bleeding. However, it is a minimally invasive procedure that reduces the risk of traditional surgeries. 

Angie’s experience with Dr. Patel was particularly positive. She says, “I had no complications, no problems; everything was very smooth. It was a very easy process, even dealing with the office staff—I had no issues at all, whatsoever.”

Are You a Good Patient for the Surgery?

Obesity is linked to over 60 chronic illnesses in adults. If you’ve been struggling with your weight and have serious health complications as a result, you may be a candidate for this surgery. 

Angie shares her glowing recommendation with potential patients of this life-altering procedure. She says, “It’s all been a great experience. The office, as well, the staff members, I want to give a big shout out to. I’m very grateful for Dr. Patel because I’ve been seeing a lot of progress. I would definitely refer him.”

Talk with the team at Orlando Minimally Invasive Surgery to find out more.